Surely you can see what's wrong; it's as plain as the nose on your face. 当然你能知道出了什么差错,这显而易见。
He sat in front of them, dressed in a plain suit, never moving, silent, his dusty face masking his age. 他坐在他们前面,穿了一套素色的套装,很安静,他布满灰尘的脸显出了他的年纪。
To friend, lawyer, doctor, tell plain your whole case, nor think on bad matters to put a good face: How can they advise, if they see but a part? 把整个情况向朋友、律师、医生讲清,别极力掩饰不好的方面:他们只见局部何以提出好的建议?
The girl, though plain, had a kind face. 这姑娘固然像貌平淡,却有一张仁慈的脸。
He thought her great wealth could set of her plain face. 他认为她的巨额财富足以补偿其平平相貌。
This is plain on the face of the facts. 这一点,从事实的表面就可以清楚地看出来。
She was a plain girl with a square face and blunt features. 她是一个很平常的姑娘,长着一个方脸盘,相貌呆板。
Good lord& it's as plain as the nose on your face; his girl friend has jilted him. 天哪,难道这还不清楚吗?他的女朋友把他甩了。
Then I arose, and went forth into the plain: and, behold, the glory of the LORD stood there, as the glory which I saw by the river of Chebar: and I fell on my face. 于是我起来往平原去,不料,耶和华的荣耀正如我在迦巴鲁河边所见的一样,停在那里,我就俯伏于地。
She was a plain, elderly woman, dressed in a comprehensive waterproof mantle; she had a face with a good deal of rather violent point. 这是一个平常的老妇人,身子裹在斗篷式的雨衣里,相貌显得相当威严。
However, enterprises informatization road could not be plain sailing, will face or another problem. 然而,企业在实现信息化的道路不可能是一帆风顺的,会而临这样或那样的问题。
Mencius plain language of a lively, vibrant crisp, both written stringent refining, have spoken the vivid and lively, Mencius vividly reflects the oral face of the mid-Warring States period. 孟子的语言平易生动,畅达明快,既有书面语的严谨精炼,又有口语的活泼生动,《孟子》一书真实生动地反映了战国中期的口语面貌。